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Distinguished Professor of Oral Biology, University of Florida Dr. Ann Progulske-Fox holds a PhD in microbiology from the University of Massachusetts and is currently a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry and the Director of the University of Florida Center for Molecular Microbiology. Her current research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis of oral bacteria and chronic, systemic diseases, for which she has been awarded multiple research grants from the NIH. She is also an inventor on twelve issued US patents. Dr. Progulske-Fox has served in various capacities at the national and international levels including President of the Microbiology/Immunology Section of the International Association for Dental Research, a member of the Public and Scientific Advisory Board of the American Society for Microbiology, and various advisory capacities for the National Institutes of Health. She has been recognized for her scientific accomplishments many times over the course of her career. She has twice been named as a University of Florida Research Foundation Professor; she received the Distinguished Scientist Award for Basic Research in Periodontal Disease from the International Association for Dental Research and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science as well as the National Academy of Inventors.
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